Freecharge Dhamaal offer for free mobile recharge of Rs 25.
Get Rs 25 cashback on minimum recharge of Rs 25. This offer is applicable on the Freecharge app. In few steps, you can get a free mobile recharge. The money you pay will be credited back as cashback in your wallet. The recharge amount should be minimum Rs 25. So Let's start and know about the latest freecharge offer for mobile recharge.
Steps to avail Freecharge Dhamaal offer:
Here are the steps to get a free mobile recharge.
Open Freecharge App or Download freecharge.
Select Mobile Recharge.
Enter mobile number & recharge amount.
Select payment mode as UPI
Create your Freecharge UPI ID (9XXXXXXXXX/Freecharge)
Coupon Code DHAMAAL is to be applied
Complete your recharge to get cashback in your Freecharge wallet
Other Freecharge Offers
Freecharge has many offers which provide you savings on recharge and bill payment.
- Freecharge New user offer provides 100% cashback up to Rs 75 on first recharge or bill payment. Use code NEW75 on your transaction to get cashback.
Freecharge offer on DTH and bill provides 10% cashback up to Rs 75. This offer is valid once per user. Use coupon code UPI75. Select Freecharge UPI as your payment mode.
Freecharge Jio offer provides 20% cashback on Jio mobile/Datacard recharge. Maximum cashback of Rs 50. Use coupon code JIO50. This offer is valid only for transactions using Freecharge UPI handle.
Terms & Conditions of Freecharge Offer
Freecharge Dhamaal recharge offer is applicable once per user. Max cashback of Rs 25. The cashback can be used on your next transaction on Freecharge (mobile recharge, utility payment, or online shopping). There is also a trick to transfer the cashback amount to your bank account.
Link your Freecharge account to Phone Pe wallet.
Open the PhonePe app and click on “Gold”
Select your Freecharge account as the payment mode.
Enter the Cashback amount which you have in the wallet.
After that pay the amount via cashback balance.
Done. You have purchased Gold from Cashback money.
Now, you have to sell the Gold to receive money in your bank account linked to Phone Pe.
You can sell the gold after one day.
Click Here To download Freecharge
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