Leaders are not born, they make themselves through hardwork, dedication & perseverance. Here are the Leaders of the FreeKaaMaal community. The rank here has been decided by the points earned by the respective members on Daily, Weekly, Monthly and overall period of time. Since there were Loot deals, there was FreeKaaMaal and here are the champions of FreeKaaMaal.

Rank Username Title Points
1lalit012Lalit Purohit11
2jagamishraJK Mishra9

What is a Leaderboard?

A leaderboard is an evaluation of the top members of FreeKaaMaal on daily, weekly and monthly basis on the basis of the points earned.

Can I be a Leader?

Yes, anyone could be a leader here. All you need to do is to start posting deals and get as much points as possible. To get the maximum points, you have to post awesome deals which can be deemed as HPO. Automatically, you will get 20 times more points than you would have got for a single deal ergo increasing your chances to be at Top in the leaderboard.

How can I be a Leader?

You can be a leader by doing most of the posts here for FKM. Remember, the posts have to be good enough in description and must follow proper guidelines.

Why should I strive to be a Leader in FreeKaaMaal?

There are two best reasons to work to be a leader; one is monetary and one is honorary. On monetary behalf, you can become a leader by getting the maximum amount of points which means you have to post good deals which can turn into HPO. This will give you hundreds of points and you will be in Leaderboard. On the honorary side, it would be a great thing in itself to be a leader among a quarter million member’s community which drive nearly a billion pageviews every year.

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