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Top Travel Bloggers In India For Amazing Travel Experiences


We often get stuck on the idea of where to travel? Travelling is a costly business and requires your savings to give you a fantastic experience, so you research well before planning your trips.

Also, in a country like India, one has to keep many factors in mind before planning a trip; the Top Travel Bloggers In India often make us aware of the related intricate details.

Some factors are -

  • Weather Conditions
  • Cost Of Travelling
  • Cost Of Accommodation
  • Local Culture
  • Local Cuisine
  • Reachability- Proximity To Airports, Railway Stations, and Bus Terminals
  • Local Travelling Modes

And so on.

Apart from these prominent ones, a few more minor issues are too involved with travelling, especially solo trips.
There is a talented bunch out there to help us with all the nuances of travelling- the travel bloggers.

The travel bloggers help us decide on our next vacation and sometimes to sit back and relax and read about our bucket list destinations we wish to visit sometime in our lives.

Travel bloggers make it easy for us to travel wisely. They are on vacation mode but professionally and keeping a tab on every detail possible.

Let us list and look at the top and the prominent travel bloggers in India that may influence our trips and decisions to a great extent.
Today we will discuss the Top travel bloggers In India who have vowed to make others' travelling experience a memory to cherish forever.

Top Travel Bloggers In India

1. Lakshmi Sharath


Lakshmi Sharath is a travel blogger who follows her dreams to travel and write – both at the same time. Having been to five continents and 25 countries, she has seen the world. 

A look into her blog tells her story most vibrantly. She has captured all her travel memories with valuable pieces of tips and trivia to facilitate her readers with insightful knowledge and information.

Her hat has many feathers, including being a media professional, travel writer, and digital influencer. She has some successful campaigns and is associated with tourism boards all around.

Her blog has won – Indibloggies- The Indian Blog Awards for being most informative and vivid.

Blog Name – Travel With Lakshmi

Website – www.lakshmisharath.com

Social Media Presence – Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, Pinterest, G+

Followers – 14K Insta Followers, 24.4K Twitter Followers

Blog Started In 2005

2. Neelima Vallangi


Being a journalist and a photographer, it seems that becoming a travel blogger came easy for Neelima Vallangi. She was a corporate professional for seven years and quit becoming a professional travel blogger. Her love for picturesque places makes her a good travel blogger with visually delightful photographs.

Neelima is a National Award-winning photographer, and all her pictures speak of her achievement. She takes beautiful photos of her travel destinations and informs her followers about the necessary details of the travel and destination.

She is an inspiration to many. Her blogs are interesting and so informative that she has associated with many leading Indian and international publications like the BBC, National Geographic Traveller India, Indian Express, etc.

Blog Name – neelima.contently.com

Website – www.neelimav.photoshelter.com

Social Media Presence – Twitter. Instagram, YouTube

Followers -45.5K Insta Followers, 11.5K Twitter Followers

3. Siddhartha Joshi


Calling himself a Wanderer, Siddhartha Joshi is always on the wanderlust to know more, travel more, experience more and write more. 
Siddhartha Joshi is not only a travel blogger but also a reviewer. He reviews and writes about – Luxury Travel, Car reviews, Travel guides and Tech reviews.

He has been around the world, not limited to only Indian terrains. He has vast travelling experience and loves to share them on his blog.

His travel blog is a sight in itself, with vibrant images, as he is a photographer too, and intricate details of his travels. He writes and reviews to help his followers and readers make their own plans with conscious and wise decisions.

Blog Name – Sid – The Wanderer

Website – https://www.sid-thewanderer.com/

Social Media Presence – Instagram, YouTube, Twitter

Followers -128K Insta Followers, 8,815 Twitter Followers

4. Ajay Sood


The travel blogger -Ajay Sood claims to have visited 100+ UNESCO sites so far. Being a photographer and having a love to travel, travel blogger inside Ajay makes his writings informative to his readers.

His photographic skills make his articles published in renowned publications and showcase his work in detail.

His blog has won various awards and has been in the news for his outstanding achievements. He has travelled and seen many countries- over 40, to be precise, and has inspiring and informative stories to tell the world. And help fellow travellers to plan their next visit.

Blog Name – Travelure

Website – https://www.travelure.in/

Social Media Presence – Instagram, Twitter

Followers – 4903 Insta Followers, 3,779 Twitter Followers

Blog Started In May 2015

5. Parnashree Devi 


Born in a small town and now visiting places, this travel blogger has come a long way. Parnashree Devi’s blog- My travel diary is full of her experiences in various locations and has accounts of her trips.

She has one of the best blogs to read about different places, cultures, and everything with beautiful pictures and exciting detailing.

Since childhood, she has wanted to travel and now fulfils her dream by getting invites to write about different places on her blog. She has a beautiful blog, and one can refer to it to plan a visit to a remote location in the country.

Blog Name – My Travel Diary

Website – https://www.traveldiaryparnashree.com

Social Media Presence – Twitter, Instagram, YouTube

Followers -8126 Insta Followers, 10.3K Twitter Followers

6. Sankara Subramaniyam

A self-acclaimed Roadie, Sankara Is a travel blogger who is always on the road trip on his Royal Enfield Thunderbird 350 cc motorcycle. He loves to plan road trips and finds them thrilling and adventurous. He left his long IT job and started travelling and blogging about the same.
He visits different places and experiences beautiful photographs too. He loves to write about his trips to make his readers aware of travelling and some valuable tips to take care of while on the go. 

Blog Name- Be On The Road

Website – https://www.beontheroad.com/

Social Media Presence – Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, YouTube

Followers -1991 Insta Followers, 5,114 Twitter Followers

Blog Started In Aug 2009

7. Nisha and Vasu

The travel blog by Nisha Jha and Vasudevan R, is a travel blog where they put their trip experiences for the readers to read and experience.
Started travelling and been on solo trips, too; both have come a long way individually and as a couple. They find it satisfying to travel as both share the same passion for travel as a couple.
It started around 13 years back and is now a blog diary that the couple maintains to influence people in making wise decisions. It has all the tips, reviews, news and reprisal anecdotes to tell the readers about what they went through and cherish their memories through it – as a couple.

Blog – Le Monde, the Poetic travels

Website – https://lemonicks.com/

Social Media Presence – Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, 

Followers -12.1K Insta Followers, 12.3K Twitter Followers

Love For Travelling And Write About It Too!!

Love for travelling takes you to good or maybe, to eventually some bad places. You plan all your expeditions and enjoy every bit of it. But what sets you apart – is your love to write about travel and let the world know about your experiences to learn more from them. 
You are not just a traveller but a travel blogger.

The most common thread between all the bloggers is their love for travelling and making others live it, too, with their exclusive and dedicated writing pieces.

All the bloggers may be from different backgrounds and interests, but the common thread of love for travelling binds them together to help their followers choose their travel destinations wisely.

Being a travel blogger is not an easy task, but it surely eases our next trips and travelling.