Author: Shekhar Kumar

Xiaomi Redmi 1s goes ‘Half-the-stock’ before even going to sale on Jan 6..

Lenevo is all set to fight Xiaomi in ’4G’ market of India with its latest ‘K3′ smartphone price at Rs 5,999 approx

Xiaomi Redmi Note 4G now Available via Airtel.. looking to reach beyond online presence

Why year 2014 was so special for Indian Ecommerce Industry..

Snapdeal, India Post will work together to bring weavers and artisans online.. a great initiative, Indeed!!!!

Airtel subscribers to pay extra for calling via mobile Internet using Skype, Viber etc.. (VoIP)

Read how $700 million funding of Flipkart will help customers.. There may be many streams of this river of money..

Flipkart gained $700 million investment, planning to beat the competition from Amazon & Snapdeal..Qatar Investment Authority is the biggest investor this time.