Featured, Health & Beauty

6 Best Detox Drinks for Weight Loss


Nowadays, detox drinks are very famous due to many reasons, and we do not doubt them. Detox drinks may help you with weight loss, and they also taste fantastic, and one of the primary reasons for the high demand is they help flush the toxins from our bodies.
Drinking water regularly will surely help in weight loss and better wellbeing.


There are several detox drinks available in the market that help in weight loss and improve overall health. Here we are sharing some homemade detox drinks that help in weight loss. Let’s check them out. 

1. Lemon Ginger Detox Drink


Ginger is known for providing refreshments, loss of craving, and more. It is one of the famous detox drinks for weight loss that also tastes great. The lemon gives you the sweetness, and ginger provides a remarkable flavor that makes this drink more special. 

This drink has exceptional benefits as it helps to wash down the harmful toxins from your body. 

Ingredients Required 

  • Juice of 2 lemons
  • A ginger Root of 2 inch

2. Detox Green Tea


Green tea needs no introduction as it is a refreshing beverage that has a significant advantage. Green tea comes with cancer prevention agents that help you get free from various radicals known as harmful cells. 

It has the goodness of cucumber that reduces swell, while the strawberries and lemons help to improve the digestion power. It is essential to choose the herbal green tea that has more advantages as compared to others. 

Ingredients Required 

  • A green tea pack
  • One cut lemon
  • One teaspoon of nectar
  • Two strawberries
  • Two cucumber

3. Pineapple Cucumber Detox Drink 


This Pineapple Cucumber detox drink is one of the best for decreasing belly fat while helping to improve overall digestion. They help lessen belly fat, and their press brimming with cell reinforcement and potassium makes it an ideal drink during exercise. 

Pineapple helps improve your digestion, and it is also rich in Vitamin C that assists you with warding off diseases. It is one of the best detox drinks to lessen irritation and keep your body consuming fat long after your exercise is finished. 

Ingredients Required

  • A cup of new mint leaves 
  • One medium cucumber.

4. Apple Cider Vinegar Detox Drink 


Apple Cider Vinegar is one of the famous detox drinks in India that is also recommended by doctors for weight loss as it has incredible detoxification benefits. This drink helps to remove the toxins from the blood, and the liver also helps to improve indigestion.

We suggest you start this drink with moderate consumption or take advice from your doctor.  It is made with another ingredient like cucumber, lemon, and more that helps improve overall digestion. 

Ingredients Required

  • Two spoons of Apple Juice vinegar
  • One lime 
  • 3-4 mint leaves. 

5. Aloe Vera Water with Lime


Aloe Vera is known for its amazing healing and detoxifying properties,, and we all take the Aloe vera juice once in our life. It helps in improving overall blood circulation and making your digestion more powerful. 

Adding lime in it will give you a good taste that helps in weight loss if consumed regularly. If you are looking for a weight loss drink, then try this for at least three months. 

Ingredients Required

  • Two tablespoons of aloe vera gel.
  • One lime 

6. Mango Ginger Water


This Mango Ginger water detox drink is one of the fabulous formulas while giving some gainful fixings to cause you to feel great. Mango fruit is known for improving overall digestion and supports memory improvement. 

This detox drink has numerous benefits for health; what you need are ginger and mango. 

Ingredients Required

  • 1 inch of Ginger
  • 1 cup frozen mang

Taking care of health is very important and being overweight is one of the major issues nowadays. Drinking water helps increase your digestion and also helps in making your skin glow. 
These all detox mentioned above drinks help in weight loss and improving overall health.