Best Meditation Techniques for Beginners to Transform the Life

14 March 24


Guided Meditation

On YouTube, you can find a number of guided meditations related to your specific desires or general practice. Plug in your headphones and follow what the video says.

Gratitude Meditation

Sit or lie down in a peaceful place and think about the things you are grateful for in your life. These could be people, situations, or achievements from the past or present which made you happy.

Visualisation Meditation

Visualise your dream life, see what’s around you, and feel the joy and peace in your heart. This will boost your mood and make you optimistic about working towards your goals.

Mindful Meditation

You can do this even while travelling, walking or just sitting somewhere. Start observing things around you, notice their colours, hear the sounds, and smell the air. Just be present in the moment.

Transcendental Meditation

Choose a mantra, word, or statement and repeat it over and over during the meditation session. It is best to do this while sitting and with your eyes closed.

Love and Kindness Meditation

Sit down and start sending good wishes to your friends, family, people around you and the whole world in general. It develops a feeling of peace and love, which is the key to a fulfilled life.

Activity Meditation

Do something which you enjoy and put your complete focus on that moment. Be it cooking, painting, gardening or anything else.

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