7 Powerful Tips To Stay Active Throughout The Day

29 February 24


Start the Day with Some Physical Excercise

An active start of the day will keep your mind and body active throughout the day. Indulge yourself in yoga, some exercise, running or anything else.

Take Movement Breaks

Don’t sit for long and take frequent breaks to stand, walk or stretch. It will improve blood circulation, alleviate muscle stiffness and refresh your mind.

Make the Most of Your Lunch Break

After eating your lunch, walk outside or play some games which involves physical movement. It will burn your belly fat and rejuvenate your mind.

Stay Hydrated

Set alarms or use water reminder apps to stay hydrated throughout the day. It will not only maintain your good health but will also cause you physical movement to get up and fill the water bottle.

Eat in Small Portions

Instead of stuffing yourself with food during the lunch break, try eating in small portions throughout the day. Also, you can add variety of healthy food like fruits, dry fruits and youghurt to stay e

Take Digital Break

Taking taking away from the screen is very important to freshen our mind and protect our eyes. Use this time to walk around, stretch yourself or call someone while walking.

Choose Walking as Much as Possible

Park your car a little far from the office, choose stairs instead of lift, take standing meetings or walk during phone calls. You can also count your steps using a tracking app or a smartwatch.

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