10 Powerful Ways To Deal With Negative Thoughts

08 March 24


1. Be Mindful

You are YOUR THOUGHTS! Pay attention to what you are thinking the whole day. Observe when a negative thought comes into your mind, and don’t entertain it.

2. Don’t Spiral

When you observe a negative thought coming in, don’t dwell on it. Do not start a whole story in your mind by agreeing with the negative thoughts. Change the story!

3. Positive Self Talk

Talking to ourselves is something we do often, whether we notice it or not. So, it is important to talk positively about ourselves and our dreams because, believe it or not, words do manifest.

4. Develop a Positive Morning Routine

The way we start our day determines our whole day. Developing a positive morning routine like yoga, meditation, or journaling will help us focus more on the positive aspects of life.

5. Express Gratitude

Be grateful for the blessings in life and appreciate every little thing which makes you happy. Gratitude is the key to attracting more of what you want in your life.

6. Try Displacement Technique

Instead of stopping thinking about negative thoughts, which you can’t do, by the way, replace them with positive ones.

7. Take a Few Minutes to Vent

If you feel overwhelmed by negative or angry feelings about something, take a few minutes to vent all those negative thoughts and emotions. Then, get back to the positive thinking, fellas.

8. Visualisation Meditation

Visualising your dreams and goals will make you feel good from the inside. You will be more optimistic about your life and focus more on the positive side.

9. Just Breathe

Your thoughts don’t have power unless you attach emotions to them. So next time a negative thought comes to your mind, just breathe it out. Don’t judge; sit, relax and have a cup of coffee.

10. Be Intentionally Positive

Your attitude is a choice, be it positive or negative. Choose to be positive and optimistic in situations as soon as you wake up. And maintain that attitude for the rest of the day.

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