2 tablespoons olive oil, 1 medium onion, 3-5 cloves garlic, 2 teaspoons dried basil, pinch red pepper flakes, Kosher salt, granulated sugar, 1 pat butter, and 1/4 cup water.
The first step is to heat the olive oil over high heat and saute the onions. After this add Garlic and stir to combine.
Now, add the following ingredients: red pepper flakes, salt, basil, and sugar. You can add butter and cook for at least two minutes.
Next is to add 1/2 can of the crushed tomatoes. It’s time to reduce heat to low. Now, add remaining tomatoes and stir in 1/4 cup water.
The next step is to allow the sauce to simmer for 10 minutes to up to one hour. Your Pasta Sauce is ready guys in just 10 minutes only!