Feel the Chill! Enjoy Refreshing ‘Watermelon Juice’ in Just 5 Minutes

17 June 24


Step 1

Take one fresh and sweet watermelon. Wash it well.

Step 2

Slice the watermelon in Half.

Step 3

Scoop the inside part of the watermelon and remove the seeds.

Step 4

Pro tip: You can use the cover of watermelon on your face. It will make your skin soft and rejuvenated.

Step 5

Place the watermelon pieces in the blender.

Step 6

Blend the watermelon slices until smooth and frothy.

Step 7

Add lemon juice and mix well.

Step 8

Pour the watermelon juice into a glass and add ice cubes.

Step 9

Sprinkle some chat masala on top and garnish with mint leaves. Enjoy the tasty and refreshing watermelon juice in the hot summer.

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