Best Food to Increase Hemoglobin in Your Body

08 March 24



Beetroot is loaded with rich nutrients, which increase the hemoglobin level and help regenerate RBCs. You can add it to your diet as a salad or prepare a glass of juice with it.

Brown Rice

Brown rice is another excellent source of iron. Eating brown rice as an alternative to white rice can help prevent various cholesterol-related and gastrointestinal diseases.


Dates provide instant energy and are rich in iron. However, due to their high sugar content, diabetics should avoid eating dates.


Pomegranate is an excellent choice to increase hemoglobin content in the body. It is rich in iron, calcium, proteins, carbohydrates and fibre, making it of great nutritional value.


Watermelon is not only loaded with iron but Vitamin C as well. The vitamin C makes the iron absorption process much better and faster.

Green Leafy Veggies

Green Leafy vegetables like broccoli, celery, spinach, etc., are rich sources of iron. They are also low in calories and a good source of dietary fibre.

Sesame Seeds

Black sesame seeds are loaded with iron, calcium, magnesium, zinc, folate, and other nutrients. Make delicious recipes with them, or simply sprinkle them over your regular diet food.

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