10 Famous Food Invented by Mistake

13 March 24


1- Chocolate Chip Cookies

In the 1930s, a Massachusetts-based inn owner mixed pieces of chocolate in his cookie dough, hoping they would melt. Fortunately, they didn’t.

2- Popsicles

In 1905, a little boy left the mixture of sugary soda powder outside for the night. The mixture froze due to cold, and we have a delicious frozen treat today.

3- Potato Chips

In 1853, a restaurant owner served the thinnest possible batch of fries after receiving continuous complaints from customers about thick fries. Obviously, everybody loved it.

4- Ice Cream Cones

During a food fair in 1904, a crispy ‘waffle-like pastry’ maker helped his neighbour, an ice cream vendor who ran out of dishes to serve ice cream.

5- Worcestershire Sauce

Two chemists experimented to make a particular kind of sauce but failed the attempt. They left the cellar out in the open and, after 2 years, tasted it for fun.

6- Tofu

There is a legend which says a Chinese cook once accidentally curdled soy milk while adding nigari sea weed. It leads to the origin of our Tofu.

7- Sandwich

Someone didn’t want to get oil on their hands while gambling. He then asked to put the meat between the slices of bread, and now we have one of the most popular meals.

8- Yogurt

It was accidentally discovered by ancient civilisations when milk stored in warm environments got curdled and fermented.

9- Nashville Hot Chicken

Who knew a dish with extra added spices to teach the prince a lesson would become a success among food lovers?

10- Mozzarella Cheese

According to an Italian legend, curdled milk accidentally fell into a pot of boiling water in a factory near Naples. And now we have our favourite version of cheese.

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