The show centres on Im Sol, a devoted follower of Ryu Sun-Jae, the idol. Sol, a once-promising film director whose hopes were dashed after an accident, finds comfort in Sun-jae's music.
To scare him away, Ha-ri shows up on a blind date dressed as her friend. However, things go wrong when he proposes and turns out to be her CEO.
The drama focuses on a wealthy and accomplished lawyer who is afflicted by a family curse. It eventually reveals that the seemingly unremarkable civil servant is the key to removing the curse.
The charming jack-of-all-trades who lives in the seaside village where a big-city dentist opens up shop is her complete opposite.
A love affair between his competent assistant and the idealistic yet narcissistic heir of the second generation.
An erratic fantasy story about a woman who is cursed to turn into a dog when she is kissed, and the only person who can help her break the curse is a man who despises dogs.
A charming heir and his diligent employee, who he finds unbearable because of her irresistible smile, clash during a heated argument over inheritance.
It is based on the well-liked 2017 web novel of the same name, which depicts the romance between a brave Hoobae and a beautiful Sunbae.
After becoming entangled with an icy heiress who might hold the key to his lost abilities—and his heart—a merciless demon finds himself helpless.