In this entrancing fantasy drama, a lonely goblin explores friendship and love as he seeks redemption with the aid of a quirky grim reaper.
Join the warm story of a doctor and a soldier who overcome loneliness in the face of living in a war-torn nation.
An alien who has been alone for 400 years finds love with a well-known actress. This fanciful romance is timeless and makes you feel cosy on the inside.
You feel a connection to a young weightlifter who, in the midst of life's and sports' challenges, finds love and self-acceptance.
Explore the realm of art and fandom as a curator at a museum finds comfort in her private life. A delicious fusion of romance and introspection.
See a prosecutor who pursues justice and a woman who sees the future in her dreams. Their interactions dissolve feelings of loneliness.
Experience the adventures of a mysterious healer who makes friends and discovers secrets, bringing out both heartwarming and action-packed moments.