SRIKANTH Movie: Eye-Opening Biopic and A Must-Watch!
The film is based on the real-life story of Srikanth Bolla, a visually impaired man who, despite facing many challenges in life, never gave up.
He was rejected from IIT due to his disability but later founded the Bollant industry, with a current net worth of more than 400 crores. 80% of the company’s employees are visually impaired.
Srikanth was the first blind student to get admission to MIT (US) with 100% financial aid. He fought a case in court and won in order to study science at school.
He gave tough replies to every single person who said that his disability would stop him from doing what he wanted. He has even played chess at the national level.
Rajkumar Rao, playing the role of Srikanth, will certainly bring justice to his character in the movie. The film will be released in your nearby theatres on 10 May 2024.
Chamkila Movie Honest Reviews: Outstanding Biopic
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