Predawn conjunction of the moon and Mars is visible to early risers on April 6. Mars will be visible in the same binocular field of view as the thin crescent moon, though they won't be very close.
Parts of North America, including Canada, the United States, and Mexico, will have a narrow path of totality during this uncommon event, in which the moon totally blocks out the sun.
The moon and Jupiter will be beautifully aligned in the constellation Aries during the early evening twilight on April 10. Out of the two, the crescent moon will be the faintest.
The Lyrid Meteor shower is expected to reach its peak on April 21st and continue into the early hours of April 22nd. The meteors in this shower are renowned for being bright and fast.
The full moon in April, also known as the Sprouting Grass Moon or Pink Moon, will be visible on April 23. Bright pink flowers are about to bloom, according to the Pink Moon.