Want to Become Happier? 7 Tips to Boost Happy Hormones

19 February 24



Exercise or yoga are the best ways to increase happy hormones naturally in the body. They also make the mind and body feel calm and relaxed in any situation.

Exposure to Sunlight

Vitamin D not only makes our bones stronger but also stimulates the production of Serotonin inside the body. Being in the sun during the early morning or evening is good for depression.

Dark Chocolate

Who doesn’t like dark chocolate? It’s the sweet truth of life to increase happy hormones in the body.

Playing with Pets

Pets are the gift of god to humankind. When our pets show us affection, it increases the Serotonin and Oxytocin levels in our body.

Hugging or Kissing Loves Ones

When our body receives love and affection, it releases happy hormones like Endorphins, Oxytocin and Dopamine. We feel excited, satisfied and joyful.


Meditation is a great practice for enhancing life in every way. It decreases the level of stress hormones in the body and releases Endorphins, which give a feeling of relief.

Do Things That You Enjoy

Whether it's going to a new cafe, watching your favourite movie, walking in nature, witnessing sunset, painting, dancing alone in room or anything else, do whatever brings joy inside you.

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