Keep Your Skin Safe This Summer! 8 Best Skincare Tips

04 April 24


1- Make sunscreen your best friend

Apply SPF 50 or more sunscreen every day without forgetting. Carry it wherever you go, and keep applying SPF moisturiser on your body as well.

2- Cover yourself like a spy

Cover your face, hands, legs, eyes like a spy. Don’t let the harmful UV rays of the sun damage your skin. It's gonna protect you from the pollution as well.

3- Avoid sun from 10 AM to 4 PM

Avoid the sun during this time like you avoid your ex. The intensity of sunrays is maximum during these hours.

4- Wear sunglasses

Your eyes also need protect from the sunrays and pollution. Cover them with glasses, and it's best if they block UV rays as well.

5- Eat fresh food

Eating fresh and healthy food is important, especially during the summer. It provides the body with essential nutrients and prevents you from eating contaminated food. Eating fresh and healthy food is

6- Drink, drink, drink

Drink plenty of water to keep your body hydrated. You can also drink iced tea, iced herbal tea, iced coffee, etc.

7- Do Tan Removal

You can use homemade ingredients such as besan, curd and coffee to remove tan from your skin. Do it at least once a week to maintain healthy, glowing skin.

8- Do regular checks on the skin

Take good care of your skin and keep checking it often for any rashes or inflammation. Find a remedy the moment you find some damage on your skin.

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