Feeling Low? Simple Tips to Instantly Boost Your Mood

09 September 24


1- Go to Nature

Nature is the best healer. No matter how bad you feel, spending time in nature will make you calm and at peace. You can watch the clouds, listen to the birds, or feel the air on your skin.

2- Count Your Blessings

If you are feeling low, start counting the things in your life for which you are grateful, no matter how big or small - be it your morning coffee, the air you breathe or your favourite person.

3- Physical Movement

Physical movement can release stress and anxiety stored in your body. You can exercise, take a long walk, or run. It will release endorphins in your body, and your mood will improve.

4- Connect with Others

Good people and good bonds can help us overcome the tough times. Sometimes, venting out your problems can make you feel better. And you can always listen to a third person’s neutral advice.

5- Sit with Your Thoughts

Don’t try to avoid your thoughts or emotions when feeling low. Acknowledge them and try to understand why you feel or think that way. Only then you can talk your way out of those negative emotions.

6- Positive Affirmations

Words have more power than you can imagine. Keep 2-3 affirmations ready, such as “Everything works out for me,” “My life is wonderful,” etc. Say them in your head or out loud whenever you feel low.

7- A Big Smile

Fake it till you make it! That’s actually very true. Your brain doesn’t know the difference between reality and illusion. So, if you smile even in a bad mood, your brain will release happy hormones.

8- Get Away from Social Media

Social Media can cause you more stress and anxiety than you already have. Put your phone in silent and practice any of the things mentioned earlier.