When hunting, the Peregrine Falcon, regarded as the world's fastest bird and mammal, may dive as fast as 240 mph. Thanks to its incredible speed, it can precisely grab prey in midair.
Due to their powerful physique and large wings, golden eagles are well known for their swiftness while diving for prey. These magnificent predators can fly at amazing rates to capture their prey.
The gyrfalcon is the largest of all falcon species. It is a formidable hunter with high-speed pursuit skills. Gyrfalcons can reach 130 mph in Arctic regions, chasing prey like ptarmigans.
Common swifts live a large portion of their life in the air and are skilled aerial acrobats. These birds have a top speed of 106 mph and use their quick reflexes to grab insects in midair.
Reaching up to 105 mph, the white-throated needletail is among the swiftest birds in powered flight. Its existence, particularly in hilly areas, depends on speed and agility.
Small and elegant, the Eurasian Hobby falcon is renowned for its amazing speed and agility in snagging insects and small birds in midair. It has brief bursts of speed up to 100 mph.
Experts in gliding across the water, frigatebirds can travel enormous distances rapidly. These seabirds have a reputation for having light bodies and may reach speeds of 95 mph in flight.