8 Reasons To Have An Indoor Garden: A Sustainable Lifestyle Choice

24 June 24


Better Air Quality Inside

Indoor plants excel at enhancing air quality. They are known for removing pollutants from the air, so growing plants like ivy or pothos can enrich and improve the air you breathe.

Reduces Stress

It feels so soothing to return home to a beautifully green room or balcony. It's a wonderful feeling to spend time trimming the leaves or to watch the plants flourish and the flowers bloom.

Better Mood

The rejuvenating aroma of blooming plants indoors can instantly elevate one's mood. Imagine the aroma of jasmine welcoming you inside after a tiring day. Perfect. Right?

Fresh Produce

Kitchen gardens are another type of indoor garden. Fresh produce is an added benefit of having it, and it can be very satisfying to grow your own vegetables and herbs.

Adds An Aesthetic

An IT girl would love the aesthetic of a lush, green indoor garden with occasional flower blooms.

A Form Of Therapy

These days, gardening is easily categorised as a type of therapy. The gradual process that allows you to give something your whole attention brings you calm and tranquillity.

Better Sleep

Certain plants, such as chamomile, lavender, and jasmine, have a gentle scent that is said to induce a calming state of therapy and improve sleep.

More Sustainable

Having a kitchen garden greatly sustains the environment. When people grow their own herbs, fruits, and vegetables, there is less need for excessive artificial fertilisers.

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