10 Simple Ways to Prioritise Your Mental Health in the Busy Life

24 October 24


1- Healthy Morning Routine

We often ignore the power of a good start in the morning. Create a healthy morning routine that makes you start off the day with positive and peaceful vibes. You can do meditation, yoga or journaling.

2- Eat Healthy

Our elders weren’t wrong when they said, “A healthy mind resides in a healthy body”. Include fresh and healthy food in your diet, like seasonal fruits and vegetables, nuts and more.

3- Work-Life Balance

A balance in life is always needed, and the same goes for your work as well. It’s crucial to separate work time from your me time. Otherwise, it will lead to mental and emotional burnout.

4- Develop Hobbies

When we do something that we love, our mind releases happy hormones and reduces stress and anxiety in the body. Take up any hobby or hobbies to nurture your creativity and keep yourself happy.

5- Effective Communication

We often hold the thoughts and emotions that damage us from the inside. Therefore, it's important to properly communicate what you are thinking and feeling to remove the burden from your mind.

6- Genuine Bonds

When we are surrounded by good people who support us and care for us, we feel more at peace. Develop healthy emotional and mental bonds with genuine people around you.

7- Practice Self-Care

Take good care of yourself ‘cause no one else will do that. Practice at least 20-30 minutes of self-care in a day where you can do journaling, take a warm bath, or have your cup of tea.

8- Good Sleep

Our mind is working nonstop from day to night. Don’t you think it also deserves a break from all the negativity, anxiety, overthinking, etc. and a recharge? This is why sound sleep is important.

9- Stay in the Moment

Whenever you find yourself wandering in the past or the future, focus on your breaths and come back to the present moment. Trust me, you’ll feel more calm and happy after doing this exercise.

10- Create Boundaries

Whenever someone asks us to do something we don’t want to, what do we say?? We say ‘NO’. It’s literally two letters, but the power is huge, especially when it comes to protecting our mental health.