When you can't sleep at night, massage therapy can help. Apply a little oil to your scalp and massage. This will cause you to feel at ease, which will make it easier for you to go to sleep.
To ensure a good night's sleep, consider taking a warm bath. Exhaustion keeps you awake at night, and a warm bath eliminates it.
Sleepiness is a common side effect of reading. This is caused by worn-out eye muscles from prolonged brain use.
Your workout gives you a rush of adrenaline that keeps you alert and awake for the next few hours.
Most people head straight to bed after dinner. Digestion issues and trouble sleeping may result from this. It is, therefore, ideal to eat 2-3 hours before going to bed.
If you establish a regular bedtime and stick to it, your body will eventually adjust. The body's cycle is interrupted by irregular sleeping hours.