Topping in our list is the queen itself, with a net worth of more than Rs.800 crores. She does films but also brand endorsements, real estate investments, etc.
Our former Miss World has a net worth of nearly Rs.600 crores. She has her own brands, invested significantly in many startups, and does ad shoots, Instagram posts, movies and TV shows.
She is among the youngest and richest actresses of Bollywood, with a net worth of around Rs.550 crores. Alia endorses many big brands and has recently launched her own clothing brand.
Her work is remarkable in both Bollywood and the Hollywood movie industry. She owns a renowned beauty line and endorses many popular brands.
Kareena stands among the most elite and richest actresses in India. She does movies, stage shows and tours, TV shows, radio shows and brand endorsements.
The stunning diva of Bollywood has a net worth of more than Rs.265 crores. She has a remarkable vegan and cruelty-free beauty line of her own. She does ads for many popular brands as well.
She is the remarkable self-made actress of Bollywood with a net worth of Rs.255 crores approx. Apart from movies, she does brand sponsorships and real estate investments and owns a clothing brand.
She is one of the most brilliant actresses in India and has a net worth of more than Rs.200 crores. Her major earnings come from movie and brand endorsements.
This popular diva has a net worth of more than Rs.120 crores. Apart from film projects, she does brand sponsorships and has appearances in many popular TV shows.
Anushka has a net worth of more than Rs.100 crores. She owns a luxurious farmhouse and does brand endorsements, events and, of course, movies.