10 Most Iconic Harry Potter Spells

26 December 23


1- Expecto Patronum

It is the most beautiful spell in the wizard world. It conjures your happiest emotions and takes the form of an entity which protects you from harmful creatures.

2- Accio

This charm will summon anything to your current location. So next time don’t look around for anything, just ‘Accio’!

3- Lumos

Who needs a torch when you can light up your wand? A light wand looks so cool and comes in handy when fighting off the dark forces.

4- Expelliarmus

Knock any item from a person’s hand just by saying ‘Expelliarmus’.

5- Avada Kedavra

It is one of the three unforgivable curses which gives an instant and painless death when cast successfully on any living creature.

6- Obliviate

This charm will erase the memory like it never existed.

7- Riddikulus

This magic spell is used to deal with Boggarts, shape-shifters that transform into a person’s biggest fear when confronted.

8- Alohomora

This spell can unlock any door, vault or object that has been sealed away.

9- Crucio

It is one of the three unforgivable curses which inflict excruciating pain on the target.

10- Legilimens

This charm explores the mind of the target and reveals their memories, thoughts and feelings.