Nimbu Pani Recipe: A Sip of Pure Happiness

02 April 24


You need ingredients like two lemons, two glasses of water, 1 tsp cumin powder, 4-5 mint leaves, black salt, 1 tbsp sugar, ice cubes, and ½ tsp chaat masala.

Step 1

The First Step is to put the water in the jug.

Step 2

Slice the lemon and squeeze in the juice with the lemon squeezer.

Step 3

The next step is to add sugar, cumin powder, chat masala, black salt, mint leaves, and ice cubes.

Step 4

Dissolve the sugar by mixing everything and check the seasoning.

Step 5

Now, pour into glasses and serve it to your guests. I hope they will tell you to make Nimbu Pani again like this.